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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Going Solo Week 12 By Sofia

Title: Going Solo
Author: Roald Dahl
Genre: Auto-biography

I have finished the Going Solo book by Roald Dahl and I am so surprised how interesting it became after the beginning.

Last blog post I left off when Roald Dahl went to Greece, now I have finished the book. I am going to try and fit all the amazing events in a nut shell.
After Roald met his squadron he was sent to go to fight at 5 o’clock. Each and every fighter would go out individually at an assigned time.  On the first assigned flight Roald was head to head with 6 German fighters (JU 88). He was out numbered so the only thing he could do was go to lower grounds, it would be harder for the Germans and they will not be able to follow in high speeds. Luckily they reseeded, Roald was safe this time. During the time Roald was with his squadron he made some good friends especially David a fellow fighter. David and Roald were always sticking together and giving each other advice (usually David, he was in the squadron longer) Many times while fighting the enemy would locate their spot where they would sleep, this would allow the opponent to be able to shoot at their planes and end the war for them. Therefore the squad would have to move their location to a more hidden area. Often the opponent would find them but they would usually be ready for their attack.  

Almost to the end in the book Roald and David started to get smarter in their attack strategies. After they had moved locations 5 hours later one of the enemies flew over head and pin pointed exactly their location. David and Roald timed out when the fleet of enemies came and they were right. They warned the leader that they have to fly at 5:30 instead of 6 but the leader took no notice of them. This mistake cost the squadron a very strong pilot.

Roald’s career in fighting ended when he started to get splintering headaches while flying that had been started from Roald’s previous crash in the desert.  Roald said good bye to his friend David and his whole life of fighting.  Throughout his time in fighting he kept a log book which he wrote in every day noting what time he went for flight and what had he encountered that day.

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