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Sunday, January 17, 2016


The novel that I started reading is called “1984”, by George Orwell. The story is set in London, in a country called Airstrip One (formerly England), Oceania, 1984.  Oceania is one of the three world powers, and is constantly at war with one of the other two, Eurasia and Eastasia.
Oceania is ruled by the totalitarian Party, and its leader, Big Brother. The party controls the actions and thoughts of the people, using telescreens, spies and hidden microphones. The posters of Big Brother are hung up all over Oceania, with the caption “Big Brother is Watching You”. The four ministries, the Ministry of Love, Truth, Plenty and Peace are used to control life in Oceania.
The story revolves around Winston Smith, a 39 year old employee at the Ministry of truth, his perception of the society and his personal rebellion against the society’s rules.  Winston feels frustrated by the oppression and rigid control of the party, which prohibits free thought and any expression of individuality. He feels helpless in the society in which history and language are controlled and where thinking rebellious thoughts is illegal.
Winston works in the Ministry of Truth, where his job is to alter historical records to fit the needs of the party.  He understands how the system works and he can see in his own work how the party is changing history, language, and people’s minds. He understands the implications of rebellious attitude, such as exclusion from the society, mental and physical punishment. Winston scrutinizes his own actions and feelings and analyzes them against the Society rules. He feels attracted to the co-worker but is reluctant to talk to her for fear that she may be informant that will report him for thoughtcrime.  Finally, he decides to undertake small steps and rebel on a personal level, by starting a diary and by starting the relationship with a co-worker.
Key Words:  
scrutinize (v) – inspect, examine, analyze 
The people in Oceania are controlled and monitored by the Big Brother; their lives, movements and thoughts are scrutinized on a daily basis, openly, by way of telescreens and secretly, by way of secret devices and spies. The purpose of such high level scrutiny was to prevent individuals from questioning or trying to change the existing order.
rebel (v) – defy, fight, go up against, resist
Winston had inquisitive mind, he was analyzing the rules in force in the society and implications of one’s actions in the light of these rules, and he felt the need to rebel, either by  keeping a diary (otherwise a prohibited activity) or by having a close relationship with a girlfriend.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on making the summary detailed and very interesting.
