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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Dead Connection-Protagonist and Antagonist

Rhianna Hart

Dead Connection
I am currently reading a book called 'Dead Connection' by Charlie Price for my 3rd quarter book report. The protagonist of this book is Murray, a young man who is planning to kill himself once he finishes high school and join all of his best friends. Murray's friends are all souls from he dead buried in the cemetery. Murray talks, apprehends, and listens to the souls of the dead. He gets plenty of advice on problems he has had at school, for example when people make fun of his name, or when they call him ugly. The most helpful dead soul is 'Blessed Daughter' who died of a brain tumor when she was only eleven. But his personal favorite is 'Dearly'.
The antagonist of this book is society since the school society treats him very badly. They call him names, make fun of his name and how he looks, and also does not pay much attention to him. The conflict in this book is Man vs Society because Murray always gets made fun of and his confidence becomes lower and lower each day he goes to school. I would rate this novel 8/10 because it can become depressing and boring at some parts however there are many enjoyable events.


  1. This book sounds like a horror story. Sounds sad, depressing and at the same time scary. I would read it but not at night. Good blog post just try using less creepy language for me or just don't I think I can handle it. Till next time

  2. Rhianna, this was very well written. You were able to analyze the protagonist and antagonist in your novel in detail. However, in the future you may want to try to use a more diversified vocabulary. Overall, Good job!
