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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Gathering Blue Setting Aleksa O

Gathering Blue, a novel by Lois Lowry is set in the future. Right of when I started reading this book I felt its tragic environment and setting. The whole human race feels as if it’s disconnected and separated from each other. In fact the whole story begins in one of the most tragic places of all, the Field of Leaving. Here, the  main character, Kira awaits of the diggers which are there to bury her mother’s spirit. This fact and setting pretty much gave us a hint of the story to come and how the whole story could be tragic. It made me think of how this story is going to be about mostly silence, isolation, and loneliness. In fact the village, where Kira lives, is called Ruin. The name itself is pretty depressing as well. All these factors mostly influenced Kira’s life and the whole story. Other than that, this book and its culture has many rules and these rules are also a part of the setting.  These rule are there to enforce safety. 


  1. Very Descriptive, Job well done (;

  2. What is her world like? Is it just a depressing world and that's all? Or is there another part. Otherwise, well done.

  3. What is her world like? Is it just a depressing world and that's all? Or is there another part. Otherwise, well done.

  4. Aleksa, this was very well written. I like how you included your own thoughts on how certain events may have foreshadowed what would happen next in the novel. Next time, you may want to check for any punctuation and grammatical errors. Overall, great job.
