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Monday, November 11, 2013

In the Valley of the Kings #2

Title: In the valley of the kings
Author: Daniel Mayerson
Pages: 37/230

The main character in my book is Howard Carter.  He was not a professional, and did not have any money to excavate. Here is a quote that  represents this: "He had no education, no money, no family background, and no training in Egyptology. He could speak neither Arabic nor French, and es manners were awkward and abrupt. He was taciturn, brooding, and bad tempered. He didint even gave the robust constitution required for turn of the century archaeology, when diggers lived for months on tinned food, sleeping in tents or ancient tombs cut into the cliffs. He had nothing, but hes stubbornness, and iron determination to make good.
Hes roots were rural and lower class. Hes grandfather had been gamekeeper on a Norfolk country estate, where his family had lived for generations. Carters father, Samuel, had been the one to break away, developing his natural gifts to become a painter specializing in animal portraits" (Daniel Mayerson, 11). Later on the book explains how Carter worked in Egypt as a painter, who would copy down the ancient scripts and sketch other objects relating to drawing about ancient Egypt.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a god book. If I finish Anne Frank earlier, I might look for this one. It sounds like something I would be interested in. cool :)
