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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Steve Jobs #2

For my non-fiction book report, I am reading "Steve Jobs", by Walter Isaacson. At this current moment of time I have read 165/598 pages. As of this moment there have been two main characters who have been mentioned consistently. These two people are naturally Steve Jobs, (as this entire book is written about him)  and Wozniak. Most likely you will know who Steve Jobs is but you may not know who Wozniak is. Wozniak was Steve Jobs best friend and was the inventor of the Apple 1, and Apple 2. He was also responsible for the programming of the first few apple machines, before Apple became a large company. Very often in the book there is a reference to Wozniak used to contrast a Character like jobs. This is because in fact despite them being best friends they were very different. Steve Jobs was more of a spokes person, and an enthusiast. Many of his colleagues said he had a "Reality Distortion Field" this meant that he would make everything to positive, like a positively distorted life. For example, the Macintosh was released 4 months after Steve jobs had said it would be in his distortion field. While Wozniak was much more realistic, and very shy. If Wozniak was in charge of Apple, it would be a very small company today, and would be open source, meaning that everything that they made could be taken and edited without copyright or patents. In these pages that I read there was I word which confused me. This word was bureaucratic. It was used in the phrase, "Computing went from being dismissed as a tool of bureaucratic control to being embraced as a symbol of individual expression" (57). After research I learnt that this word meant the characteristic of a multiple bureau office. 

1 comment:

  1. Very cool post i was very interested in him a few years ago and my dad has this same book
