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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Miles To Go

                        Miles To Go

The book I Was reading this week was Miles To Go by Miley Cyrus. The autobiography has 263 pages. Miley is the main character and when she was in 6th grade she didn't fit in very well so one day Miley applied for an audition for the show Hannah Montana and she kept on getting call backs but she was never sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing but she didn't care because nothing ever good happened to her and she was hoping this to come true because she wanted to get away from her school and the bullies. The bullies kept on sending her notes that if she shows up in the cafeteria the next day that it wont be nice and she just couldn't take it anymore and she just couldn't wait for something good to happen to her because she didn't even have a best-friend. The producers were looking for a dad to audition and they new that Billy Ray Cyrus was her father also a singer and her mom said that it would be nice for him to be on set with her and sing because they wanted the family to be together  so they asked him for an audition and he took it. Miley and her dad got the part as Hannah and Hannah's dad. But Miley was scared that the kids in her school would think that she got the part as Hannah because of he dad. Miley had never actually gotten what she really wanted and had never had her moment to shine. Miley had to put on a free concert as Hannah she was very nervous but she thought '' This is my moment to shine'' a lot of people showed up at that  concert and every time she finished a song she would say '' ill be right back'' always when she said that she would go off stage and ask her parents and the producers how she did and all of a sudden everyone was clapping and they loved her. Miley was so happy and glad and it gave her the opportunity to get away from home. I haven't finished the book yet so I don't know how this is resolved but I think that when she comes to school again that everyone will think that she is so cool because she is popular and on disney channel playing the role of Hannah Montana. I cant really apply this kind of experience  to my life because I do fit in  school and the kids in my grade but I can't say that I wasn't  bullied before because I was. 


  1. You described the main conflict really well in your blog post. You explained a lot about Miley Cyrus past that I never knew before.

  2. I really like the way you had introduced what you are reading and everything and the way you started your paragraph. The book from what i have read on your blog sounds really interesting and it reveals things that I don't think many people had known before.
