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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dovey Coe

Title: Dovey Coe
Author: Frances O'Roark Dowell
Genere: Mystery

The book I am reading is Dovey Coe. It is the bookI am reading for my book report. So far it is a good book. It is about a girl who lives in Indian Creek named Dovey she is 12 years old. She is not very girly she really like to go for walks in the mountains and help her dad with things. She has a older sister named Caroline she is 17 and is very beautiful. She also has a brother named Amos but he is deaf but he knows how to read lips so his life is a bit easier for him. He loves to go on hikes with his 2 dogs. In this little town there is a very rich family the Caraway's. They have a very rich son called Parnell he likes Caroline. Dovey hates him she thinks he is rude and just plain mean. Parnell has asked Caroline for her hand in marrige but she says she will think about it. The whole summer she spends time with him. But Caroline would like to go to collage and become a teacher. At her going away party Parnell askes her again in front of everybody but she says no. After the next few days Caroline heads of to collage but something happens Parnell is killed and Dovey was with him at the time but does not know who the murderer is because she blanked out while with him. So Dovey is on a mission to find out who the murduer is.


  1. very interesting Hannah, can I maybe read it??

  2. Wow, what you just wrote is like a roller coaster of feelings :P I think the way you explained everything it is very exciting and i am curious to know the rest!

  3. You showed me the book!! I so want to read it and this blog post makes me want to read it more, i want to know who the killers are!!!
