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Monday, September 19, 2011

The Real Thing part 2

The Real Thing part 2....

After Fizzer and his friends got to the market, they went to the shop manager and asked if they could get a coke for testing with Fizzer. He tried one and he said that that was not coke, then they bought another than another.The shopkeeper was okay with this as long as they were paying for the coke. As they ran out of money they thought to them selves why they don't go to the coke factory and ask what is the problem with the coke recipe.So the next day they went to the coke factory and talked to he manager about the problem, manager said,"This is not possible,the machine tracks sugar levels and monitors them 24/7, if they drop the machine would start an alarm indicating the sugar levels are low." As Fizzer world caved in around him on his talents the manager admitted one thing..."It can only happen if the wires are not connected." Then Tupai one of Fizzer's friends started moving wires as......

Tune in next time to see what happens


  1. This sounds like a very interesting book. I am looking forward to the next part to see what is gonna happen.

  2. I think this sounds like a good mystery book. I like how you cut yourself off before you told us something very big in the book. I hope to read your next post soon.

  3. Wow! Good job! It sounds like a very interesting book. I agree with Abby when she said that you cut yourself off before telling us something more! Looking forward to the next blog post! Great job! :)
