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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Driftwood by Cathy Cassidy

Book title: Driftwood
Author: Cathy Cassidy
Total pages: 191
Pages read: 77

2 friends Hannah and Joey have found 3 kittens in the school’s kitchen, so they bravely took them home and fed them. Hannah is a normal country-city girl meanwhile her best friend Joey is kind, clever, cool but weird. Her way to dress isn’t really accepted and appropriate for being in a school but she always has an excuse to wear whatever she wants.  I can already see some changes in the story; the two are kind of fighting. Joey is starting to like Kit and Hannah is starting to like Paul.  I can already imagine and see many things exciting happening in the story and I hope they will go on for them to be even more exciting.
A quote from the book:
“The kittens grow round and sleek with regular feeds, and their fur grows silky and soft. They lose their fear and learn to trust us, licking our hand with sand – paper tongue, purring like tiny engines as we stroke their bellies, tickle their ears …”
I think that this passage shows how descriptive this book is and how nice and cute the kittens were, once they had a home to live in.


  1. good job, I'm just a little confused by who Kit and Paul are....who are they??

  2. Kit is Hannah's brother and Joey's boyfriend
    Paul is Joey's foster brother and MAYBE Hannah's future boyfriend
