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Sunday, September 4, 2011

You Are Next

Title: You Are Next
Author: Katia Lief
Genre: Mystery
Pages: 358

    Imagine you are at home, a killer comes, murders your family and on the mirror leaves a message: YOU ARE NEXT, with your daughter’s blood…
   I started reading this book during holidays and found it very interesting. I am not the type of person to read books about anything, my choices include rough stories and stories some people might not like. This does not only include books but also television, I have 2 favorite channels, E! and Investigation Discovery. My whole life I have liked investigation, working with clues, seeing how others work and so on. In my perspective this book has a great start because it starts like every other book, clam and normal. A woman, Karin, in her garden working hard, what could possibly go wrong about that? And then suddenly it brings out this topic about a killer and everything you can possibly imagine. Not only that, every chapter brings to you a different emotion, sometimes happiness, madness, sadness, you will find yourself asking why all the time?
   Remembering who the characters are is something very important to do in this book, every character has an important role it plays and a purpose for everything it does. To accomplish this won’t be very hard because all the characters are different; the one you will probably enjoy the most reading about is Karin because her ideas change all the time and sometimes to the bad side as well.
   The main point of this book is to get you a bit confused since it could have many answers, it will question you a lot but what the story eventually talks about is how all these police and families are trying to find out where the “Domino Killer” can be found. He has a way of escaping and a way of finding, hiding away never works. Martin Price, the original name of the killer, is different from others, he doesn’t kill individuals, he wants families. He plays a game that only he understands, with dominoes. This is why games with cards and more will be spotted by you once you read the book.

   It is hard to understand some actions of humans; this is also demonstrated in the book. I suggest this book to anyone who likes mysteries and likes to not be the smartest all time, because sometimes when we think we are smart, we aren’t, and if we think we know everything, we don’t.

1 comment:

  1. This book is the one you made the book report on!!!
    I love it!!!
    I want to read it so badly, it sound really freaky thought.
