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Friday, November 15, 2013

Winterdance: The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod #3

Winterdance: The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod
Gary Paulsen

The conflict on my book is Man vs. Nature. This conflict is shown by the fact that it had started snowing and Gary Paulsen (main character) is going to run the Iditarod dog sled race in Alaska in the beginning of March. It is freezing cold outside and the snow is up to shoulder length. Paulsen and his dogs have to train for the Iditarod and they have to train the dogs to run 1,180 miles in the cold snow. The conflict was introduced when Gary Paulsen and his dogs arrived to Alaska, which was approximately at page 120, and they realize they need more equipment to protect themselves from the snow, although they don't have enough time to get new ones (the race starts in a week). If I were in this situation, I would be trying to get over the 'race against time' by finding some protective gear from other sled racers. I think this conflict would be solved when they will find  way to get the equipment before the race.


"Suddenly there weren't enough booties. Six hundred had been made, sewn on an ancient Singer sewing machine. But word was the snow was bad along the trail (this meant nothing to me; I did not understand sugar snow, a granular form of crystal that is murder on dogs' feet and required constant booties). It was estimated that at least eleven hundred booties would be needed, and cloth was found in Anchorage and sewing began anew." (Paulsen 119)


  1. Wow great post i wanted to read more and more!

  2. love your blog posts!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I think that it is really cool that he trains his dogs to run 1880 miles

    1. sorry make that 1180

    2. I think that its great because he trains dogs, and your blog posts are very detailed and thats what I really like.
      Good Job:)
      P.S I want to read this book when your done with it.... sounds awesome:)
