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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Three Cups of Tea - Emotions

Three Cups of Tea 
Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin
Katy Harrison 

While reading Three Cups of Tea, I was inspired. I found the book very inspiring and enlightening. The author’s message is that individuals can do great things and change course of events. I enjoyed seeing the main character develop from an ordinary young man driven by the love for his deceased sister to climb a mountain in her honor to being engaged in a project that was supposed to help the entire village and young people of Pakistan. His interest in economic development of rural areas of Pakistan and his desire to improve the living conditions of the people developed throughout the novel. I was inspired and heart-warmed by his perseverance and goodwill, and attempt to make a change and create better people The author shows the reader that a visit to one place with people can inspire us into doing new things. I was surprised to see how one ordinary person can do great things.

I enjoy this book because it shows us how travel can open and broaden our minds and make us see and understand more.  If Greg had not traveled he would not have been in position to see the harsh conditions of life in Pakistan.  The author tells us that people can go great things, if they have inspiration and if they get the opportunity to visit places and meet new people. Greg was impatient, disorganized, and chaotic. Throughout the book, he acts before he thinks, he makes decisions before analyzing them in great details, he tends to do things without consulting the local people involved in the project.  As a result, the others may see him as disrespectful and selfish. In the course of his adventure, Greg learns to respect the others and to value their opinion. As a result, they respect him more. This book makes me smile and cheer as I can see that one person made so much difference to others and to the community. I enjoy reading about Greg and finding that he is developing into a selfless and respectful person. The title of the book summarizes Greg’s journey:“The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger. The second time you take tea, you are an honored guest. The third time you share a cup of tea, you become family, and for our family, we are prepared to do anything, even die.”  When Greg comes to Pakistan he is a stranger, he then becomes an honored guest and eventually ends up as their family.

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