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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Pride and Prejudice/Sense and Sensibility

This week was craaazily busy, with the play and everything, but this weekend I have got around to doing quite a lot of reading. I finished the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, which consisted of 345 pages, and I also started reading Sense and Sensibility, also by Jane Austen (who is an amazing author) and I am about 20 pages through.
Since I have only read a few pages of Sense and Sensibility, I will do my summary of Pride and Prejudice, and simply include the difficult vocabulary from Sense and Sensibility. (SPOIIILErS INCLUDED)
In the last hundred 100 or so pages that I have read since last Sunday, a lot has happened. Lizzy has gone to the North of England with her Uncle and Aunt, to stay with them for a while. While in this northern area, the family goes to visit Pemberley, the home of Mr. Darcy and his younger sister, where they grew up. They are promised that none of the family in residence will be there while they are visiting, so they go look at the wonderful house and the beautiful gardens. They also speak to the house keeper, who gives an extremely high recommendation of Mr. Darcy. conflicting to the impression she has of him. Then Mr. Darcy turns up unexpectedly. Him and Lizzy basically spend the weekend together and she realizes that he is a nice person and that she sort of regrets declining his offer of marriage. Then, all of a sudden, it turns out that Lydia, Lizzy's youngest sister, has run off to Elope with Mr. Wickham. This causes a whole uproar considering no one knows where she is or what has happened to her. There are reports that that Wickham never intended to marry her anyway.
Suddenly, the whereabouts of the couple are revealed as well as money being paid to both parties, and a wedding arrangement agreed. The family accredits this behavior to their uncle, Mr. Gardiner. Then, in a huge reveal letter from the aunt it turns out that Mr. Darcy basically saved Lydia, and then Lizzy is VERY grateful, and then in a turn of events, Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy come to Hertfordshire, where they live and then Mr, Bingley and Jane fall in love again. In the end, Mr. Darcys proposal of marriage is renewed and accepted and Mr. Bingley proposes, and then everyone is married and happy and it turns out great. Three out of the five Bennet daughters end up married, and Mrs. Bennet honestly could not be happier. The end was generally what I expected to happen, but it was quite emotional considering that the book that I have been reading for an extremely long time, and a book which I enjoyed extremely much, had ended.
Now, upon finished Pride and Prejudice, I started the novel Sense and Sensibility, from which I found two words which I am going to share with you.
The first word is sanguine.
1. sanguine- optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.
my sentence - Despite the decreasing chances of survival, she had a nonchalant, sanguine attitude. 
The second word which I didnt understand was approbation.
2. approbation- approval or praise.
my sentence - Everything that I do, I do to seek approbation. 
Thank you for reading :)

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