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Saturday, March 21, 2015

"Side Effects" by Jen Calonita

"Side Effects"

by Jen Calonita

83/245 # pages read

Hey! So today I will be writing about a new book that I am reading!
"Sometimes the best way to escape the harsh realities of life is to make musical fantasies out of them" Whitney thinks. I am reading a book called "Side Effects" by Jen Calonita. This book was introduced to me when I was watching a YouTube channel named AwesomenessTV which produced a movie called side effects. I watched the movie, and it was very emotional and interesting. After half a year of watching this movie, I found out AwesomenessTV also wrote a book which is actually based on this movie.
"Side Effects" is about a family of 5 teenagers who has lost their mother, and a few months later, their father disappeared and ran away from the houses and the troubles of paying the bills. Each child has their own way of dealing with the situation.
The protagonist of the story is a teenage girl named Whitney who is taking medicine for her depression with loosing both of her parents and her siblings. Her medicine has side effects that make musical fantasies out of everything.
Sam, Keith, Lexi and Jason are dealing with the situation in different ways. Keith is the oldest and is taking care of the family. Lexi, the smartest girl in her grade, (or at least she used to be the smartest) has left everything and ditched school for parties and ways to distract her from reality. Jason, Lexi's twin has quit baseball and hasn't attended school for so many days that he probably wont pass the semester. The youngest child of all, Sam, has to deal with being ignored and unwanted.
So far, I read up to the point where everything has gone wrong and Lexi comes back home from a party at late night bleeding and hurt. Whitney told her family that she knew that their dad left but she was afraid everyone would get mad at her, and they did. Keith screamed and Jason blamed her for ruining the family,
Whitney decided that she cant deal with what is happening, so she decided running away to follow her father with the clues he left is the only chance to fix her family. But exactly when she is about to get out the door, Sam finds her and want to join. They get in the car and are about to drive, but then Harry, A good friend of their father's shows up and explains how he herd that the fuzz suspects that their dad robbed a diner.
Keith, Jason and Lexi show up, and reveal the news about losing their house to Sam and Whitney. They decide to go on a road trip in order to track down dad and to remember what they all are.

Neanderthal (page 19) -
noun; one of the extinct species of human that was alive in ice-age Europe about 120,000 to 35,000 years ago.
Sentence: "He looks like a neanderthal" I thought as I looked at Joe with that receding forehead and those prominent brow ridges.

Sty (page 20) -
noun; pigsty (place for pigs), can be used to describe a messy place.
Sentence: "Your room is so messy, how can you ever find anything in this sty?" Leslie asked

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Thanks for reading!

Shelly :)

1 comment:

  1. Wooow! You did a really good job at explaining everything that you have read and this book sounds super cool! Now I kind of what to read it!
