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Saturday, March 14, 2015

The hunger games

HI guys, 
This week i am rereading the Hunger games by Suzanne Collins, i have so far read 326 pages out of 436. Here is a picture of my version of the book:
   I am reading about a girl called Katniss Evergreen she is from a society where every thing is controlled by the richer part of where they live, called The Capitol. Around The Capitol are societies that each have their own purpose and things that they provide. For example Katniss's society provides coal, they are one of the poorest society's. To provide the Capital entertainment The Capitol thought of the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is they pick by random a boy and a girl from each society and put them in a larger area where they have to fight to the death. The last one standing is the winner and they go back to their province and they get a lot of money and a big house where they live. So when Katniss's younger sister gets picked to participate in The Hunger Games Katniss immediately volunteers to go instead of her. She gets sent with the other tribute to the Capital to where they train and get interviewed.
His name is Peeta and he is the backers son. They get sent in The Hunger games and currently there is only six of them left out of teh first twenty four. 
Two words that are diffucult are prestigious which means "inspiring respect and admiration; having high status." I would use this like this "I find their family very prestigious" 

The last word is fatigue, the definition is "extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness".     I was overcome by fatigue after not sleeping two days. 



  1. Those greedy peasants in the capital :D really good post. I liked it. The book sounds really really interesting.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Anka,

    Great post! I think you included all necessary elements, and I am looking forward to more posts on this topic in the future!

    Nikola Lalic
    (Sorry for last comment, made a "typo")

  4. Dear Anka,

    Great post! I think you included all necessary elements, and I am looking forward to more posts on this topic in the future!

    Nikola Lalic
    (Sorry for last comment, made a "typo")
