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Sunday, September 28, 2014

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You
Ally Carter
Page 204

In my book, the main conflict appears to be Cammie vs. herself. She's fighting her love for the main love interest, Josh, because she can't reveal that she goes to a school for spies. She wants to let him know who she really is, but that would risk the security of her whole school. It's interesting, to say the least. She's struggled with this internal conflict for the majority of the book, and it will probably be solved by:
A. Cammie getting over her feelings and deciding that her school is more important than her puppy love,
B. Cammie somehow managing to keep the Gallagher Academy a secret and Josh her boyfriend.
It's going to be one of those two, I can tell.

The following sentences are opinions. If you can't handle opinions, stop reading right now. Heavy criticism ahead. *Throws caution tape everywhere*
There are actually a few things that I have to say about this book. The plot went from a very intriguing book about a girl who goes to a high-tech spy school to a rather dull romantic plot. I thought this was going to be with a, as much as I hate this term, "strong female protagonist", but it turns out Cammie's brain turns to mush as soon as she sees some boy on the street. This isn't a realistic book. Cammie literally stalks her crush, hacking into his emails and rummaging through his garbage--no, I am not joking--so she can get close to him. At least it's interesting enough.

I hope this gets better, for my sake.


Till next week, ladies and gents.

--Arabela Y, The Maid of Void


  1. I usually don't read posts or comment much, but your post was genius! I actually wnt to read it for the sake of curiosity in how bad it could be.

  2. Oh, yeah... This book. I read it during summer, and I totally understand that you don't like it. I read most of the series, until I was soooo bored reading it, and just didn't see the point. This book is really bad, don't read the other books!

    Your blog post was really interesting. You made the reader want to continue reading this, and comment on it as well. *congratulates* You described it really well. Also, it is indeed true that she stalks her crush *makes wide eyes* I even feel bad for him...

