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Sunday, September 28, 2014

The hound of Baskervilles

HI Guys, I read a book called The hound of Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I have read all 240 pages of it, here is a picture of the book:

            In this book the main conflicts were man vs. man but every body thought that it was man vs. super natural. In the begging it is man vs. super natural  because the legend was that the family was cursed and that is why he died. So every body ( apart from Sherlock Holmes ) thought that it was a super natural beast that killed him! But further along in the book that they realized that it wasn't a beast it was a person who stalking them. Also Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson found out that one of their suspects was indeed in fact a family member. And then they looked deeper and found out that if the murder kills the the closest family member to Sir Charles he would get the money and the estate. The estate is worth nearly a million pounds and he would also get an additional 7,400 pounds as well. Since i read the book i know who the murder is so i wont spoil it for people that want to read the book by saying his name. While reading the book i thought it was various people at different parts of the book. I was correct once at the begging but i changed my mind and i thought that it was a female character. But now thinking back  the murder was always doing many peculiar things.  
But in the end the murder dies and every one is happy!


1 comment:

  1. I think you have written a very good blog post, since you have convinced me to read your book in just this one blog post. I liked the fact that you supported why the conflict in your novel was man vs. man, and not man vs. supernatural, with an example.
