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Monday, October 17, 2011

Anne of Green Gables 4

I am almost done with the book, this time Anne has been just as naughty and adventurous. When Marilla was out of the house visiting Ms Lynde and doing her everyday duties, a salesman came to Anne's door. He was an Italian who recently came to Canada who decided to come to Green Gables. He has a huge box full of many things he wants to sell and Anne wants nothing, except when some hair dye catches her eye. It says it will make you hair as dark as a Ravens feather. And we all know how much Anne despises her red hair with every cell in her body, so of course she buys it. She didn't keep anything in mind from what Marilla told her. She told Anne not to open doors for the salesmen because they are tricksters, cheats, rip-offs, and lairs. Well Anne didn't listen, bought the dye, and then dyed her hair,but not black. It was GREEN!!!! When Marilla came home later that day she was shocked to see Anne with green hair and demanded that Anne tell her the whole story of how she got her hair GREEN! Anne told her what happened, and that she followed all the directions from the box, but somehow it ended up green. That is when Marilla told her that that is why she earlier said to her that they were lies, cheats, tricksters, and rip-offs. So to solve the problem Marilla had to cut Anne's hair. Now Anne is also very happy because it's not red, but Diana told her it is now darker and look like Auburn.

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