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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Frenzy week 5

Robert Liparulo
Genre: mystery 

Then they thought that phemus was gone so they went back home. When they came back everything was quiet and Xander had a feeling phemus was still here. And he was he started charging at them but they went down to a room in the basement and put planks to cover it up. It was to late and Phemus cam crashing through the door and landed on David. He was trying to stab him but David kept rolling on the floor so he couldn't get him. Then Xander came to distract him while Xander got away but he was to heavy. When Xander was in Phemus grip he backed of and Phemus continued to go froward so Then David got away and they ran up stairs. They couldn't hear him so they went down to check and he was gone the portal sucked him back in. Then they started organizing the place and tried to help david to recover from all the injuries he got.

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