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Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Clearing Part 2

Author: Heather Davis
Genera: Romantic Novel

Continuation of the book The Clearing
After Amy finds out that Henry is stuck in a time period, she needs to find out how and why. But to make her life easier, Henry just tells her. He tells her that summer, on a hot June day, his mother got a telegram, and they have already received another telegram 10 days before saying Robert was missing in action after the invasion of Normandy, and he is still missing. But he hid that telegram from his mother. But he didn't think that this one would come, and this one said that he was dead. His mother wouldn't come out of her room, but one morning they found her unconscious with an empty pill box next to her. Once he called the doctor, he told them that she was comatose. That night he prayed that the telegram shouldn't have ever come, and the next morning the summer started over, the prayer erased away what had happened. One night he tried to change the prayer, and his life would continue on, but it didn't work. He was gone, just like his and Amy's love.


  1. This sounds like an interesting and sad book. I hope you enjoy it.

  2. wow sad book how can you read it with out crying. There must be a lot of drama and that stuff is fun to read. love to see your next post.
