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Sunday, October 23, 2011


 Title: Little Prince
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
 Genre: Novel

Hey, heres a quick review of last blog post. I talked about how boring and my thoughts of the little prince.

Well as I read further into the book I started to think that I was quick to judge, the book believe it or not started to get interesting. The start made me want to fall asleep but into the middle it talked about the trips that the little prince would go on. The most interesting part was when the Little Prince was traveling from planet to planet meeting new people, the best was that each planet was only big enough to fit a person and their work area. One of the planets that I liked the best was of the kings palace. The king seemed so found of him self and how he ruled the universe but then when the little prince was going to leave the king didn't want him to leave , the king wanted someone to bow down to him and the little prince was the only person that actually passed his way all his life.

To get to the point I was to quick to judge and this book is a 3/5 on interest and on how much i could follow. A lot of the time I had no idea where he was and who he was talking to.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds cool :D I read this book when I was really small, I barely remember it but from what others say I could read it again :D Keep up the reading!
