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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Wrong Number

Title: Wrong Number                                                                   
Author: Rachelle J. Christensen
Genre: Mystery
Aubree Stewart is happily married and expecting her first baby. This morning she is rushing off to work, and needs to borrow her husbands cell phone. On her way, she receives a strange call from a voice she doesn’t recognize, and a voice she has a hard time forgetting. He mentions where a body is hidden, something about green, and an intruder. Aubree tells him he has the wrong number and hangs up. All day she feels funny about this phone call, and tries to call her husband, with no luck. She calls the police and it starts a chain of events that include the FBI, witness protection, and fleeing for her life. To top it off, she’s worried about her unborn child. Will the police think she is suspect, and why can’t she get a hold of her husband? Most importantly, who can she trust? Read the best mystery and find out!

9 out of 10.  I really enjoyed this book. It is very exciting, and thrilling. I read it very fast, my attention was held the whole time, and I had nervous knots! Aubree is a character that grows a lot throughout. She is smart and has the ability to cope in a really tough situation. I enjoyed the turn the story took.

1 comment:

  1. This blog post is short but tells you everything you want to know!!!
    I is one of dose writings you want to keep reading, and this blog post want me to read the book!!
