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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Septimus Heap

Author: Angie Sage
Genre: Mythology/Mystry
Pages: 100

If you are considering reading this book I would suggest you not read this.

So many things have just happened. I just hit the best part of the book. I proved my biggest prediction from the beginning of the book wrong, that I know of, it could change at any minute. I will tell you about that later. The Boggert got shot! Aunt Zelda sensed that someone bad was coming to the marshes, so she sent  the Boggert to them, and they just shot him. If nothing big goes wrong he will recover. The people who shot him was the hunter and the apprentice. They had a big chase with Boy 412, Jenna, and the hunter. Nicko and the apprentice had their own skirmish. Nicko and the apprentice both got soaking wet and eneded up in Aunt Zelda's house. She also saved the day for Boy 412 and Jenna because she froze the hunter. Aunt Zelda did that when they fell into the same tunnel that Boy 412 fell into earlier. Oh and guess what he also said his first word in front of them. He never said anything accept his name before this.  Now I will tell you about my prediction. I thought that boy 412 would end up being Septimus. However, he isn't, it ended up being someone evil. It was....

Dom Daniels Apprentice! (the one fighting Nicko)
I might have considered him as Septimus, but I thought that he was in his mid twenties, not eleven. This was a huge surprise. However, it could change.

1 comment:

  1. This post sounds interesting! Good job explaining everything and adding your prediction! And mostly I like the way you started your post! Keep it up! :D
