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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Inkheart Part 3

Author: Cornelia Funke
Genre: Fiction, Adventure
Pages: 281- 85 (whole book: 534 pages)

As I told you in my second post about inkheart, Elinor left Mo and Meggie to go home. After a day she calles Mo, and tells him something terrible: Capricorn’s men took her most aluable books from the library and burned them. She also asks him, if he can pick her up from the airport because she wants to come again. Mo goes without Meggie, even though she begged him to take her with him.
Basta and Flatnose, the two which hunted them before, find Meggie and take her with them, because they think that Mo will come get her, and then they have him again.  They also find Fenoglio and take him, too. At Capricorn’s, Fenoglio tells them that he is their creator and that, if they touch him, they all will die (which is just a threat to keep them away from him). Basta and some other men believe it, but Capricorn is skeptical.
To the same time, Dustfinger goes back to the village (Farid still follows him) to get the last edition of inkheart, which Capricorn saved. First, he visits Resa, one of Capricorn’s maids, who is his friend. Darius (the reader Capricorn had before) read her out of inkheart, but because his talent is not as good as Mo’s, she doesn’t have a voice! He asks her if she can find out, where Capricorn hides inkheart, and she promises him to try.
When he comes back, Mo and Elinor come to get Meggie, but Dustfinger holds them back. He says that it doesn’t help Meggie if they also have Elinor and Mo. Mo still wants to go, but Dustfinger ties him and Elinot to a tree, with Farid’s help. Then he goes again to visit Resa and find out where they have Meggie. Resa is not there, because she got caught trying to get the book. Mortola, Capricorn’s housekeeper (and his mother, but only her, Capricorn, Fenoglio, and Meggie know that) catches Dustfinger and puts him in a net dangling from the ceiling; next to Resa.
Meggie can’t sleep so she reads “Peter Pan”. She whispers the words, because it is so quiet in her room, and suddenly Tinker Bell, the fairy from “Peter Pan” appears. Meggie has her father’s skill! Unluckily, Basta comes in that certain moment to take Meggie, because Capricorn wants to see her. He finds out about her skill, because he sees the fairy. Capricorn now doesn’t need Mo anymore, and Meggie should read “the shadow” out of inkheart. The shadow is a monster which only listens to Capricorn, and is made out of the ashes of dead people. Capricorn doesn’t want her to do it right now, because he wants to make a ceremony out of it (it will happen in two days).
When Meggie sees Dustfinger and Resa in the nets, she is sure that Resa is her mother. She tells Fenoglio, but he is not quite as believing in it as Meggie. Fenoglio and Meggie know, that they have to escape, and Fenoglio again talks about the idea Mo had. He still doesn’t want to tell Meggie…

If you want to see what happens the next time and find out about Mo’s ideas, wait a week… :)


1 comment:

  1. MIRA!! I love how you summarized your reading in sutch a grate way!!!! I hope to read more of you r posts!!
    ALEK :D
