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Sunday, October 23, 2011


Author:Jerry Spineil

Leo is an average boy who is not popular, but not geeky, he goes to a school where everyone is basicly the same, where everyone tries to fit in.   This pattern has been working for them, but all of a suden, Stargirl comes.   She is different and not afraid to show it.   She wears unique clothes, says unique things, and strangest of all, she is nice to and freinds with everyone. At first people find that she is strange, but as they start to get used to her, they start to love her.   She takes special liking to Leo.   When she comes to cheerlead at the games, the team starts winning, for the first time, and once they start, they don't stop.   Soon the fans are set on winning. They get angry because Stargirl roots for the other team to. They tell her to sit down and not to be a cheerleader.   After that, the team starts losing... every game.   People get angry at Stargirl and start to shun her, the only one who does not is Leo. This works for a while but then people start to shun Leo as well.   Leo has to choose between Stargirl, who obviously love him, and having friends.
Tune in next week to find out what happens, if you want to‼ 

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