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Saturday, October 8, 2011

VANISHING GIRL by Shane Peacock

Victoria Rathbone has been kidnapped again! Sherlock Holmes is wondering what this could mean?
Now Sherlock wants to solve the case, so that he can help little Paul. He is desperately thinking of his many clues, the trail is fresh and he needs to solve this case. Sherlock heads to the workshop, where with some help from the old man he realizes he needs to go to South Portsmouth. Another question is up how does the old man know about Portsmouth??
Sherlock gets to Portsmouth, and he is headed to dockyard, were many captains will be there, but…
He spots something that puts in hold all of his thoughts - he sees a man a little older than him walking, wearing a fake mustache. He is overwhelmed by curiosity and starts following him. He discovered that man is Master Lestrade, and he gets caught.
They both find an agreement, they will keep Sherlock’s presence a secret and in return Master Lestrade will let him investigate the crime scene, but Sherlock has another idea. He runs to the Landlord where Lestrade junior is, and he is able to ask many questions.
It turns out the house was left in custody of 2 men and a women, the women diden’t talk the whole time, and she didn’t make any sign she was being kidnapped.
Sherlock Holmes is sure, that ne of dose 2 man is Captain Weller, and he wants to find him!
He needs to find the Captain and it won’t be simple, but he is hungry, Sherlock is sitting in the train Station eating a biscuit sandwiches, but something spots his attention.
A Women First Class, well dressed Lady Rathbone is just feet away from him, Sherlock gets a cab and starts following.
Lady Rathbone is to the Dockyard, and is talking to a man, Sherlock hides far enough to not be seen, but he hears the whole conversation, Lady Rathbone is talking to Captain Weller about the night Sherlock broke inside the house.
Also Captain Weller is telling Lady Rathbone he is leaving for America, and just when there are talking Sherlock makes another mistake and he is spotted, Captain Weller runs away with Lady Rathbone, and Sherlock is left on his own, now he is mad he hasn’t discovered anything.
Lady Rathbone had left something on the floor a note, Sherlock opens it “Dear Pauline, I will always love you.” It was a love letter Sherlock puts it in his pocket and starts walking back.
As he walks he feels like his been followed so he turns and walks and runs, until he is too tired and then stops, but now he is lost and that is when someone attacks him from the back, Sherlock defense himself and then runs, as fast as he can, he doesn’t have any clues and decides to take the next train back to London.
Sherlock is walking to the train station, he still has the not in his hands, he looks at it carefully and notices one thing a watermark!

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