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Sunday, November 2, 2014

"I am Malala" By Malala Yousafzai

I am Malala

Malala Yousafzai

47/291 # of pages read

Hey! So the new non-fiction book I started reading is called I am Malala and is an inspiring and exiting autobiography written by Malala Yousafzai. Malala won the Noble Peace Prize and stood up for education.

So far, I've read about Malala's life, her father's history, and her terrible injury. Malala was born in a north west of Pakistan called swat valley. Malala describes Swat Valley as a beautiful place where a lot of tourists come to. She said that as a daughter, people didn't congratulate her parents because boys were more respected than the girls. Malala was named after Malalai of Maiwand who was the greatest heroine of Afghanistan which means a brave woman who was a hero and made many achievements, exactly like Malala.
Malala's father, Ziauddin Yousafzai also had a passion for education. Ziauddin loved poems and words, but stuttered, which was a big problem. His father was never proud of him and mother was worried of his stuttering that he even took his child to Lewano Pir, saint of the mad who was supposed to "cure" the stuttering by spitting into his mouth but that didn't help. Malala's father soon finished school, and could learn at a great university and have a job. Ziauddin's father didn't have enough money to pay for the living expenses and asked his cousin's to let Ziauddin move in with them and all rejected except one cousin who offered Ziauddin to live with his family, before he even asked. Soon he tried to start a school with one of his university friends, but it didnt go so well. They lost a lot of money and Ziauddin owed people lots of money. A flood happened and everything was destroyed, and the teachers weren't getting payed. When Malala was born, the situation got way better and from 3 people at her father's school there was almost more than a hundred.
Malala's injury was one event that stood out in the book for me. Malala wrote about how she was on her way home in the school bus while a man with a mask from the Taliban shot her.  The man asked who Malala is and clearly, without an answer understood it was her because her friends looked at her. Then he lifted up the black pistol. Her friend, Moniba said that he fired 3 shots and 2 of them hit the two girls next to her. Malala was shot in the left eye socket and out under her left shoulder.

I think that the main point of the book is how Malala is standing up for education for girls. In the book she states "To all the girls who have faced injustice and been silenced. Together we will be heard" before the Prologue. Malala has had enough of girls just being used for cooking and taking care of the children, she wanted girls to be able to learn. She stood up for this no matter what, she got shot for this but is still fighting and started the Malala fund which will help empower girls and enable them to study, learn and do whatever they want and have a voice for themselves.

So far I am loving this book and I think that it is inspiring and amazing what a 17 year old girl can do. Malala is such a brave girl and has such strong beliefs. To me its so unbelievable how after she got hurt and put down she is still strong and wants to do this for girls education! Her story is real and she is so determined to succeed and give equal rights for all women.

Hope you enjoyed,


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1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog post Shelly. You were descriptive, and gave a nice introduction before going into the details of the novel.
