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Sunday, November 11, 2012

All but My Life

Author: Gerda Weissmann Kelin
Title: All but My Life
Number of pages: 261
 Gerda as a fifteen year old 

The main character of the book I am reading is a girl called Gerda. She is fifteen " Although I was only fifteen I had a strong feeling, more instinct than reason, that out lives were no longer our won, but lay in the hands of a deadly enemy." They do not tell much about Gerda's physical appearance but from the pictures she has dark brown-black hair with deep dark eyes just like here mother. She has a spirit which gives people around her hope and joy in her creative ways. She never lost hope of getting freedom and she has a very determined mind which helped her through the years of captivity ""How can you believe so strongly?" she murmured, "but then, you always believed. Remembered when we met on the train?""

1 comment:

  1. I like your work! Everything is very clear and it has the most necessary details that we need to understand more about this character and maybe a little bit about the whole book. I also like your explanation and your examples from the book. They are really accurate and good for understanding. Good job! :)
