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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism

Hello Everyone!
This past week has been very busy, I spent most of my weekend reading books and the time has actually paid off. I finished two whole books, and I have started and almost finished one today, I will finish it in the next hour. The book that I am reading for my non-fiction book report has proven to be a challenging subject for the book report, so I have chosen to make another attempt at selecting another factual novel. So the book I am now close to finishing is called “Molly Moon’s Incredible Book of Hypnotism” and it is written by Georgia Byng. Here is the main information about the story:
Title: Molly Moon’s Incredible Book of Hypnotism
Author: Georgia Byng
Number of pages: 371

The Story:
Did you ever wonder what it was like to hypnotize someone? To make them do whatever you wanted, to make them your servant and make them follow your orders and believe that your wish was there command? Well that’s what happened to Molly Moon. Molly Moon was put into a marshmallow box when she was a baby and she was dropped in front of the main door to the Hardwick House orphanage, she had been found at the same time as her friend Rocky so had been found behind the police station at the top part of a pram in the car park. Can you imagine what it was like to only be able to have a bath once a week and to fill up the bath only ten centimeters? Miss.Adderstone was the wicked witch of Hardwick House, she punished people for the slightest reasons, it’s like she had nothing better to do with her life than punish the orphans. One day, everything changed. Molly’s day had started out awful, and it had continued until she went to the library. She loved the library, it was very peaceful and quit and it made her want to stay there all day. For the very first time that day, something had went wrong in the library. She had taken a book and as she was reading the book she fell asleep. Molly was awoken by a man, who was arguing with the librarian, but over what? As the little girl was listening, she said that man had an American accent, and he later claimed that he had travelled all the way from Chicago to rightfully claim the book he had already given the money for, but where was it? The man had told the librarian that she was to keep him posted and ask all of her colleges where the book was, and that they were to find it because it was very important for his scientific research. Still, who would travel all the way from Chicago for one book? Was it that interesting?
“Molly shut her eyes. It was an ordinary November evening, and she was in a shabby bathroom in a crumbling building called Hardwick House.” – Page 1
“Molly had been found in a cardboard box on the doorstep by Miss.Adderstone, whilst Rocky had been found in the top part of a pram in the car park behind the Briersville police station.” Page 6

“A rumpus woke her up. She had slept for about half an hour. Someone- a man with an American accent- was in a terrible temper, and his gruff voice was getting louder and louder by the second. ‘I cannot believe this,’ the speaker bellowed. ‘I mean this is unbelievable. I made a deal with you a few days ago on the phone. I wired you the money to rent the book, the I fly over from Chicago to get it. Three thousand miles I’ve come, and you, meanwhile- you go and lose it. I mean, what kind of badly run institution is this?’ This was a very strange sensation for Molly. Someone else was getting a telling-off. The librarian’s wren-like voice piped up nervously. ‘I’m sorry Professor Nockman, I really can’t think what could have happened to it. I saw the book with my own eyes last week. I can only assume that it has been taken out by another member of the public… Although it’s always been in the restricted section, so that shouldn’t have… oh dear… Let me look in the files.’ Molly raised herself up to peep through the shelves to see who was making this fuss. At the main desk, the librarian was frantically flicking through a box file, staring beseechingly at the cards, begging one of them to explain where the missing book had gone. Molly knew what she felt like. ‘It’s by Logam, you said?’ she asked in a worried voice. ‘Logan,’ the cross voice corrected her. ‘And the title begins with “H”.’Molly got on to her knees to peer through a higher shelf to see what this man had looked like. There was his middle, a barrel-like stomach in a Hawaiian shirt with palm trees and pineapples on it. Molly moved up a level. The shirt was short-sleeved and on his hair arm the man wore an expensive-looking gold watch. His hands were small, fat and hairy, whilst his fingernails were disgustingly long. He strummed the desk impatiently. Molly moved up one more shelf. His nose was upturned and his face was round with a double chin. His black greasy hair started halfway back across his head and hung down to his shoulders. His beard was a small, sharp, black triangle just under his bottom lip, and his moustache was chipped and oiled. His eyes were bulbous and his face was sun burnt. IN all, he looked like a very ugly sea lion, and, Molly thought, very unlike how she’d imagined a professor should look like.” -Pages 26 and 27

“Quickly, she pulled the heavy, leather-bound book from the shelf and, checking furtively that no one was watching, she opened the cover. There in old fashioned type were these words:


-Page 27

Okay, so now I hope this intrigued you and I will not tell you anything more about the book, you have the details above and I hope you check the book out from the library because it is very interesting.

The picture I got for the cover of the book, I got it from Google Images. The second picture I took myself  from the book, the way I did this was I took the picture with my iPhone, I sent it on my email and then I opened it on my computer.

I hope you enjoyed my blog post,
-Marija Bogdanovic, 7A


  1. Hi :)! Your blog post is incredible, it is really well written. You include lots of detail. I've also read this book and think it's really interesting and funny! Great job!

    1. Thank you! I worked hard on it, almost two hours! :)
