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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Here Comes Trouble

Author:Michael Moore
Title: Here Comes Trouble

The main character in the book is Michael Moore, this is his autobiography so it wouldn't make sense if it was someone else. He described him self during his baby years and child hood years. When he was a baby he was very smart, he observed other babies trying to walk but falling down every time, so he just didn't want to walk until his legs grew strong enough. When he was a kid he was very interested in politics. He learned to read before going to school. ''I leaped of the floor like an East German gymnast and walked straight as an arrow over to the fan and tried to stick my tongue in it''. That is the example of him walking for the first time, on page 41. ''we've decided that you already know what we're teaching you in first grade, so beginning today we're moving you to second grade.

1 comment:

  1. To be honest, I think your blog post is awesome but I personally think that the book you are currently reading would not really be my type! I am reading an autobiography right now too, but I think I would like mine better than yours. Good job Nemke! :)
