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Monday, November 12, 2012

Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism

Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism 
Georgia Byng 

So in this blog post, I will be writing about the main characters of the book and their features. Next to their name you will see my description, and at the bottom you will find a paragraph or two from the book saying the same thing. 

Molly Moon- When you grow up in a orphanage, you simply cannot always look pish-posh and clean. There are many children in the orphanage, and if you look have a strict person that run the orphanage like Molly does, everything is limited for you. When you take a bath, you can only reach ten centimeters of water, if you reach more than it will be taken off for your next shower. She is somewhat clean, she takes showers regularly even though Miss.Adderstone forbids her because she breaks the rules of having showers over ten centimeters. She had curly brown hair, she was skinny, and her legs were pink and blotchy. 
"Molly Moon looked down at her pink, blotchy legs. It wasn't the bath water that was making them mottled like spam, they were always that color. And so skinny. Maybe one day, like an ugly duckling turning into a swan her knock-kneed legs might grow into the most beautiful legs in the world. Some hope. Molly leaned back until her curly brown hair and her ears were under the water" -Page 1 
Professor Nockman- He had an American Accent, and a gruff voice. His hands were small,fat and hairy. His fingernails were so long it was disgusting. His nose was upturned. His nose was upturned and his face was round with a double chin. His black greasy hair started halfway back across his head and hung down to his shoulders. His beard was a small, sharp, black triangle just under his bottom lip, and his moustache was chipped and oiled. His eyes were bulbous and his face was sun burnt.
  “A rumpus woke her up. She had slept for about half an hour. Someone- a man with an American accent- was in a terrible temper, and his gruff voice was getting louder and louder by the second. ‘I cannot believe this,’ the speaker bellowed. ‘I mean this is unbelievable. I made a deal with you a few days ago on the phone. I wired you the money to rent the book, the I fly over from Chicago to get it. Three thousand miles I’ve come, and you, meanwhile- you go and lose it. I mean, what kind of badly run institution is this?’ This was a very strange sensation for Molly. Someone else was getting a telling-off. The librarian’s wren-like voice piped up nervously. ‘I’m sorry Professor Nockman, I really can’t think what could have happened to it. I saw the book with my own eyes last week. I can only assume that it has been taken out by another member of the public… Although it’s always been in the restricted section, so that shouldn’t have… oh dear… Let me look in the files.’ Molly raised herself up to peep through the shelves to see who was making this fuss. At the main desk, the librarian was frantically flicking through a box file, staring beseechingly at the cards, begging one of them to explain where the missing book had gone. Molly knew what she felt like. ‘It’s by Logam, you said?’ she asked in a worried voice. ‘Logan,’ the cross voice corrected her. ‘And the title begins with “H”.’Molly got on to her knees to peer through a higher shelf to see what this man had looked like. There was his middle, a barrel-like stomach in a Hawaiian shirt with palm trees and pineapples on it. Molly moved up a level. The shirt was short-sleeved and on his hair arm the man wore an expensive-looking gold watch. His hands were small, fat and hairy, whilst his fingernails were disgustingly long. He strummed the desk impatiently. Molly moved up one more shelf. His nose was upturned and his face was round with a double chin. His black greasy hair started halfway back across his head and hung down to his shoulders. His beard was a small, sharp, black triangle just under his bottom lip, and his moustache was chipped and oiled. His eyes were bulbous and his face was sun burnt. IN all, he looked like a very ugly sea lion, and, Molly thought, very unlike how she’d imagined a professor should look like.” -Pages 26 and 27

Basic Information about the book!
Title: Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism
Author: Georgia Byng 
Number of Pages: 371 

-Marija Bogdanovic, 7A

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