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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Going Solo

Title: Going Solo
Author: Roald Dahl
Number of pages: 205

Since my book is an autobiography the main character is the writer. The writer's name is Roald Dahl and in previous blog posts I described his biography, so if you want to know more about him, fond my previous blog and you will learn many things! 
In this book he describes his adventures, so the book is very interesting. There are many events that happened to him, some are good, some are bad, but even though some bad things happened to him, he continues writing about his adventures! If I need to describe him in one word it will be brave, cause he confront some really dangerous things that he never saw before, for example snakes. I found very good proof for his courage: ''I stood there holding the sword in one hand and the scabbard in the other, staring at them with eyes as bright as two stars.'' (page 76) So here, he talks about snakes. He sees them for the first time and he is so responsible and brave that he confront with snakes, as we say ''Eye-to-eye''. 
He was born as adventurer. He was born to live all that adventures that he has been to. He has one very important advantage then the others-resourceful. Yes, he was resourceful and very smart also.
Once, he was in the desert. His airplane crashed and he had no food or water. He survived. He found on some way and food and water, and help also. That is the current chapter  that I am reading about. 
He was also strong man. Even though he had an accident and he was bleeding he continue living life. He knew that he needed to continue to fly. Here is one proof- first memory when he relaized that he is actually alive: ''I heard voices around me as they manoeuvred my stretcher into the ambulance, and then when the ambulance started to move forward over the very bumpy track, someone above me began screaming. Every time we hit the bump, the man above me cried out in agony.'' (page 104) 
One really beautiful trait about him is that he was sensitive . When he had free time, he used that to write letters to his mother. Roald was very connected to his mum. That is so beautiful, because he was not kid anymore but he was still connected to his mum, and loved her more than anything. I find family connection very important because there is period in life when you need to rely on someone, and that someone could be a member of a family. For the end, I found one letter that Roald wrote to his mum. (P.S. I found the shortest one!!)
                                                           Dear Mama, 
We've been here nearly 5 months now, and as we get nearer and nearer to the time when our course is finished and we go elsewhere we get more and more thrilled. It will be curious to see ordinary man and actual women doing ordinary things in ordinary place once more, to call a taxi or use a telephone; to order  what you want to eat or to use a train; to go up a flight of stairs or see a row of houses. All these thing and many more I shall derive the very greatest pleasure from doing...'' (page 92)




  3. Great Job! I really like your examples and how you did characteristics instead of just how they look! I really enjoyed reading your post!

  4. Good Job! I really like your blog post. I was very descriptive. Keep working hard!

  5. Your post was very interesting and clear! You included a lot of interesting details! Good Job!!
