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Sunday, November 11, 2012


Author:Robin Lee Graham and Derek L.T. Gill
Title: Dove
Number of pages in book/pages read this week: 263/45

The main character of the book is Robin Lee Graham, the auto-biography shows Robin as a sixteen year old who has lives to sail the world. Even when he was in preschool he wasn't the kid who drew happy pictures, he was different from the rest he drew and talked only about boats. Boats were his life, his dream was to sail the world in his own boat. His dad knowing how much his son loves sailing the family goes to Hawaii by boat. This small journey encourages Robin even more to sail.When he was thirteen he tried sailing the world with his two friends. After three years Robin on his sixteenth birthday gets Dove, a twenty-four foot boat, he decides to take of to sail the world. However meanwhile he meats a young lady and they fall in love agreeing to sail the world alone.

The main character's characteristics: Robin gets mad very easily and he is brave but does some not really smart things. Sentence to support the first characteristic: "Patti was making signs to me, trying to tell me to keep my cool. She knew how short my fuse was when people asked d***-fool questions". On page:2. Sentence to support second characteristic: "This was very courageous from there side but very stupid from my side". On page: 18

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