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Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Last Lecture

Name: Sooyoung 7A
Title: The Last Lecture
Author: Randy Pausch (autobiography)

The conflict in this book is an internal conflict. That is because in the book, Randy does not know if either he should either spend his precious last few months of his life with his family, or to spend it by making and giving a lecture to his students about the importance of life. He decides to spend his time with the lecture and it turns out to be a very emotional one. The conflict was introduced in the very begininning since about sixty percent of the book is about his lecture/power point presentation. I have not yet finished the story but as I am right now reading the book, I love it and I think he made the right desicion of making the lecture than to spend time with his family. I think that is because since his kids are all very young, all though he spends time with his kids, they wont remember their father very much or at all when Randy dies and the kids grow up. But if he makes the lecture, when they grow up, after watching videos of Randy's lecture, they will understand what kind of person their father was.




  1. Good job Sooyoung! :)

  2. I think that you did a great job at making the paragraph detailed and clear as to what was happening and the main conflict in the book. Good job!!!
