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Monday, November 12, 2012

Marie Anotnitte, new post.

Marie Antoinette
Author: Antonia Fraser
Number of Pages: 512
Number of pages read this week: 74

After a long while of reading “Marie .Antoinette” by Antonia Fraser, i've finally made my conclusion about the main character which is Marie. Marie is a french queen, which only gets the best. Marie gets the finest clothing, the finest food, makes the finest balls in town, and is always the one to get a product before anyone else. After many pages of this particular book, i am starting to see the relationship Marie carries on with everyone. After she has been sued for doing something terrible, Us, the readers of this book have to bring a choice and decided if we think she did what the author is saying she did, or if someone just wants to get her off her position as queen. Of course, as we all know, anyone would want to be in her place, when she has the perfect life. But now, after what’s happening, will she be able to continue living the way she does? Unfortunately in this story, there wasn't much about Marie as a person, but what you see below is what people would say about her.

“I who for fifteen years saw her attached to her august consort and her children, kind to her servitors, unfortunately too polite, too simple, too much on an equality with the people of the Court, I cannot bear to see her character revealed. I wish I had a hundred mouths, I wish I had wings and could inspire the same confidence in the truth which is so readily accorded to lies.”

I think that the person who said this, was someone who knew her very well, and who was there to see everything. Yes, I agree with the part where it said that she was too polite, because during the story, I see how her manners have affected many people, and how she has demonstrated responsibility and a high level of maturity.

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