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Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Mango-Shaped Space

Title: A Mango-Shaped Space
Author: Wendy Mass
Number of pages: 219

         The book, "A Mango-Shaped Space." Is about a girl named Mia. Mia is a very interesting girl. Every time she sees or hears a name she immediately thinks of a color that goes with the name! For example: When Mia was eight she was doing a math problem on the board, she wanted to use different colored chalk because in her mind the number three was a pale orange and the four was a light baby blue! Everyone thought she was a freak so she has kept her secret to herself. For five years Mia has never even mentioned that she can match a color with a person, until she meets a five year old boy named Billy. She meets Billy at a grocery store and when she tells him her name he says, "It sounds purple with orange stripes" Mia tries correcting him saying that its baby blue with green polka dots until she realizes that this boy has the same secret she does. Can Mia and Billy figure out their powers? Can Billy see something Mia can not?  

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