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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Princess and The Goblin By: George MacDonald

Name of Book: Princess And The Goblin
Author: George Mac Donald
Picture of Book:

The name of The book that I'm reading is called The Princess and The Goblin by George MacDonald. So far what I've read is about a beautiful princess named Irene. One Day, she goes to the top of the tower, gets lost, and finds her great grand grand mother. She helps her find her way downstairs. She went to tell her maid, but she didn't believe her. She thought the girl was making this up. So, to prove it, she went back upstairs all by herself and got lost once again. She could not find her great grand grand mother. That is all I remember reading so far. The book is nice so far and isn't that bad. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a good summary. It is easy to understand what you've read and what has happened in the book so far :) There could have been a little more detail but overall it was good!
