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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Description of Sherlock Holmes.

The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes 
Arthur Conan Doyle
Pages read: 82
Pages in Book: 290

 Hello Everyone,

In these fourty pages I read, i discovered something new about Sherlock Holmes and his friend Watson. The chapters i read are called "The Creeping Man" and the "Sussex Vampire". Since I have been reading the book for two weeks now, i keep on getting to know the character much better after each page I read. Anyway, Sherlock Holmes, Is the type of detective that is very wise, and uses every piece of information to try put the pieces together of the story. Shelock Holmes, is definaetly a serious person. His hobbies are solving mysteries and stuff like that, he's also very good at it too. Holmes was born on January 6, year 1854. Even though I'm not sure about what his family is like, i think they were smart people just like Sherlock, but also brave. To be honest, i don't think that Sherlock Holmes and I would be friends in real life. We are so much different and i don't like the things that he likes most, which would be adventours and stuff like that. But even though we probably wouldn't make such good friends I think that he would be friends with many of the boys in our class. :) 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good Job! Next time make the font a but bigger. Keep working hard, I know you will!
