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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Main Character in Mystery Novel


       Christopher is the detective in the book "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time." He has a disability called aspergers syndrome. 

       There isn't much of a description when it comes to what Christopher looks like so I will explain in my mind what I think he looks like. I think he would be quite tall and would walk a bit awkwardly. He would have medium sized brown eyes and pale skin and short brown hair that would look a bit like it had been flattened with loads of hair gel. Christopher would also have big feet and would wear trainers. He would wear a smart short-sleeved shirt that would be tucked into a pair of jeans. He would also have a very high tech watch that would always have to have the right time on and couldn't be off by even one second. 

       Christopher was born in a town called Swindon located in south west England. He also lives there with his father. His father said that his mother died of a heart attack but in fact she lives in London with her boyfriend,Mr. Shears, but Christopher doesn't know this yet. His mother, when he lived with her, used to get very annoyed with Christopher at times because of his disability and the way he had to have things. She was a nice person but she made a mistake that had a big impact on Christopher's life and their life as a family. His father wasn't the nicest of people and had once had a big argument with Christopher and he hit him. He also wasn't very nice to his wife. He did care about Christopher though and took care of him well. 

       Christopher, because he has aspergers syndrome has a routine that he follows everyday. One of his main hobbies is solving problems about math and science. He also loves reading about math and science. Christopher also has a pet rat. He also likes to play computer games.

       Personally I would be Christopher's friend but I think it would be quite difficult and probably wouldn't want to be anyone's friend. I think he likes being alone and also doesn't understand emotions very well which would be hard. 

1 comment:

  1. I think you described Christopher really well! Good job! - Nadia
