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Monday, September 3, 2012

Mystery Book Post Week 1- Nemke 7A

Book:Skullduggery Pleasant, Mortal Coil (book 5)
Author: Derek Landy
Genre: Mystery
Setting: In Ireland, Around Dublin
Main Characters (so far): Skullduggery, Valkyrie Cain/Stephanie Edgley, Fletcher Renn, Davina Marr
Pages: 7-51

    This book is the 5th part of the series of Skullduggery Pleasant books. Last Year I read the first 4 and this year I want to read 5 and 6. The series is revolving around a skeleton detective and his assistant, both have magical powers. Most of the characters have magic powers. There is no special magical world , all the countries around the world have sanctuaries, which are like governments. Stephanie's parents don't know about magic even though they are descendants from the first sorcerers.

    Valkyrie and Skullduggery go to a crime scene. There they find 1 survivor and 5 people that were killed.The survivor knew the location of the sanctuaries former detective Davina Marr. The killer had attacked to find out her location, he was a hired assassin.  Skullduggery knew where to find him because the survivor told him Davina's location. The assassin chased Davina and when he caught her he knocked her out. Skullduggery came and started fighting the assassin, during that time Valkyrie dragged Davina in the car and sped away. Skullduggery caught up to her because he could fly. they escaped the assassin. Davina Marr as handed over to a magical scientist/doctor.


  1. Amazing Report. Great job Nemke

  2. Nemke good job the summery was good but maybe you could have added a pic of the book. Otherwise nice job.
