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Friday, September 14, 2012

If Your Reading This its Too Late

Title: If Your Reading This its Too Late
Author: Pseudonymous Bosch
Number of pages: 365

           In the book, "If Your Reading This its Too Late." Takes place in many different settings. For example: the woods, Cass's house, Max Earnests house, a concert, a ship, Grandpa Larry's house, school, and many more! I think its exciting that this books takes place in so many different places. Imagine how funny it would be if this book took place in a dessert. This would change the story immensely because Cass is a survivalist and it would be funny seeing her not prepared because in the book Cass is always prepared and since she is the main character this means that the whole story would change. In my opinion I think that I would travel to one of the places in the book because this means that I would get to see a concert! In the book Cass and Max Earnest ruin the concert so I may not want to be there when they are! Also in the book they go camping! I love to camp so I would definitely travel there! A quote that I found in my book is when they are going camping in the woods! "Soon, the hikers emerged from the aspens to find themselves walking across a golden meadow surrounded by pine trees. Although it was autumn, a few wildflowers remained, and dandelion spores floated lazily in the sunshine." This is on page. 232. 


  1. Hmmmm... Interesting. The cover looks good but also is the story! Great book you got there!

  2. I love your ideas about the book(especially the desert)and how you make it sound really exciting to read!
