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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Inkspell by Cornelia Funke

Name of Book: Inkspell
Author: Cornelia Funke
Pages read: 560 out of 635 (I started reading while I was reading my mystery book)

Meggie, a thirteen year old girl, has a strange talent of reading people or animals into books when she is reading aloud. She inherited this talent from her father who she calls Mo. When she was little her father was reading a book called "Inkheart" aloud and Meggie's mother disappeared into the book. When someone reads a person into a book there is always something that comes out of the book to replace the person or animal who is gone so three characters from Inkheart appeared: Dustfinger; a fire-eater, Capricorn, an evil ruler and Basta. When, Darius reads Inkheart to Capricorn he reads Meggie's mother but without her voice which stayed in Inkheart.

Now, that Meggie lives with both her mother and father her mother tells her stories of the world she has been in by writing in notebooks. Meggie is fascinated by the world of Inkheart and the more Meggie knows about the Inkworld the angrier Mo gets. Later, Farid, a boy who Darius read from a story, comes to Elinor's house (Meggie's aunt's house which she and her family and Darius are currently staying in). Dustfinger was read back into the Inkworld by Orpheus (another book reader) and Farid decides to follow him. He asks Meggie to read him into the Inkworld but Meggie says that she will go too. The next night she reads the passage that Orpheus used to read Dustfinger into the Inkworld but she just added three words to a sentence which were "and the girl". When Meggie and Farid appeared in the Inkworld, Meggie is at the same tame thrilled but also sad that she left her home.

Mo and Meggie's mother realize what has happened and a few days later Basta and Mortola(Capricorn's mother) find them. Orpheus reads them into the Inkworld and Mo almost dies from his injuries. Meggie stays with Fengolio (the writer of Inkheart) for a few days. Meggie decides to find her parents but everyone in the Inkworld thinks that her father is the Bluejay robber because Fenoglio used Mo to base his character on. Before Meggie gets to him he is taken to the Adderhead's (an evil ruler) castle and is put into a dungeon. Fenoglio sends a letter to Meggie saying that she should read a passage aloud to change what will happen in the story so her parents don't die. She reads only part of it and then is taken into the Adderhead's castle too. She follows Fenoglio's advice and tells the Adderhead that Mo can make a book that will keep him alive forever and he lets Meggie stay in the dungeon together with her father so they could make the book faster.

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