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Saturday, September 22, 2012

If Your Reading This Its Too Late

Title: If Your Reading This its Too Late
Author: Pseudonymous Bosch
Number of pages: 365

           At the beginning of, "If Your Reading This It's Too Late." The main conflict in the begining of the story is that the antagonist characters steal the sound prism. They do this because the sound prism is the key to the homuculous which can tell them where the grave of the homunculous's master is because the master has a secret they want. I think the author chose this beginning to give an output of what will happen in the future also so that we know what a sound prism is which is the key to the entire book. One main conflict is when Cass and Max-Earnest get trapped in the clutches of the Midnight Sun (on a ship!). This is when Cass and Max-Earnest find out what they have to do and they start piecing together their mission. This happened because Cass got a secret note in her lunchbox that was disguised as a grocery list. Max-Earnest found out that it was a clue! They thought that it was from a friend Pietro but really it was from Pietro's evil twin. That is how they found themselves on the ship. The author creates suspense by leaving a blank ending to each chapter that wants you to continue on reading! Especially when Cass and Max-Earnest are trapped with the midnight sun. This book is in a series of books so there is definetly more to tell! In the end she gets to know the truth of where she is from. Shes adopted! I think the end was great though because there is a talet show and Max- Earnest and Cass are both in it doing a magic show! They are doing a disappearing act! First Max-Earnest disapears and the Amber (the meanest but popular girl in school) gets to disapear and she ends up in the parking lot! There is definetly more to tell about this story and more adventures to be heard! I wouldn't change the end of this book cause its hilarious!


  1. I love the excitement you put into the book and when you tell that there is much more to tell it makes me really want to read it!

  2. It seems like a really mysterious book! it seems really good!
