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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes Death Cloud
Andrew Lane
There are 311 pages in the book.

I think the author starts the conflict by Sherlock going to his aunt and uncle and then meeting a guy on the street named Matty and they become friends. When they have a problem they kind of help each other in a way. I think he author choose that because he wanted it to be a little confusing but after that you will start getting how the story goes. The conflict started of by Sherlock and Amyus find to dead bodies and try to figure out how they died and Matty try's helping them to. I think the author try's to keep suspense by making loads of mysteries in the book. In the book there are loads of mysteries and crazy events. I really like the ending of the book. I like it because its very descriptive and very very very very very exciting to know what happens in the end. I think the author did a great job writing this book so i don't think there is something more to tell. I wouldn't change the ending of the book because its very good and i dont think i could have so good ideas as him.

Max. A

1 comment:

  1. I think this sounds like a interesting book, and your written part long and well organized.
